Monday, 1 December 2008

HGTV Wannabe!

So, with all this time spent sitting around on my rear-end, thanks to my foot surgery, I'm surfing the web like a FIEND and trying to find things to do to keep busy and motivated in 2009.

Idea of the Day: Become a Designer for the Day on HGTV!!! So..., being the adventurous gal that I am, I fired off an email with a couple of pics and a link to this blog in the hopes that I will get the chance to put my creative energy to work and be a Designer for the Day! How cool would that be? How much fun? How exciting?? How... absolutely TERRIFYING! I love it!

I think they'll call tomorrow... ;) HGTV ~ Here I come!!!

Shameless attempt to show my sassy self!

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